So Toby tells me he'll give me a break and watch the two kids so I can have some "me" time. I've spent all day doing laundry, dishes, toilets, wiping up spilt milk, playing dolls, cleaning up spit up and messy faces and dirty diapers, and the list goes on.(For the record I wouldn't trade any of that for the world...just gets you tired once in a while) I walk downstairs semi-refreshed to find this. How does he do it?! I'm not taking anything away from Toby. He's a fantastic Dad and deserves credit but seriously...both asleep and he's watching sports? What am I doing wrong?!:)
They ran you ragged and while doing so they ran themselves ragged...I am always in awe when Andrew comes home and Stockton just relaxes in his arms! Andrews got to be like..."Whats so hard about this???" HA HA!
Oh, that is too funny. I didn't even notice Elle and Cash until you mentioned it. Gotta love that magical wand "they" (meaning dads) pull out.
I am glad that I am not the only one who has seen this. I am impressed that he kept it clean. When I come home it's like a hurricane hit but, they are all asleep-one of life's great mysteries!
Oh wow, it's really going to freak Tara out when she reads the comment she never made. "the sansom family" was actually me - I had logged on as her to read one of her sister-in-laws blogs.
Oh my gosh, what a darling picture Josie! I agree with the above comment about them running themselves and you ragged...the dad's just come home at the right time when they are all tuckered out! You are such a good mommy!
Funny, don't know what this feels like yet but certainly can appreciate it.. Funny!
That is so precious. Not the fact that Toby is watching sports but that your cute kids are asleep on the floor. What is it with Dads coming home and the kids instantly clinging to them and being so mellow? I am glad that you had some time for yourself, it is well deserved after taking care of those cute kids.
You need to make a book of quotes by Elle. Tory and I still laugh when we remember the time we were leaving to go the airport and you said, "Elle, isn't Ayson the most handsome fun guy" and she said, "Ya, just like his dad." Where did that come from? We like her.
I totally agree. Matt comes home and the house is a wreck, I haven't showered and dinner is no where to be found but on days he's in charge the laundry is done, folded and put away, Annie is bathed and either happily playing next to him or is peacefully sleeping in bed. WHAT? Thank goodness for dads eh?
Sometimes I swear they have a gene that we don't have! It's not fair that they can take everything in stride. I have to laugh sometimes because while I'm going crazy Ben's just calm and collected. I agree that sometimes you just need to be able to walk away from kid-madness for a couple hours then you come back all refreshed and ready to take on the world.
What a precious sight to behold! I LOVE IT! I am not sure how they do what they do, but I am sure thankful that they DO IT!
They are precious little kids! I loved seeing them the other week. I don't know how dads do it either. They always eat, sleep, and don't cause any trouble for them. I don't get it either. After all we go through to bring them into the world you think they would give us a break but no. Oh well. It is so good to have the special touch of dads so we can get our chores done and have some alone time.
Yes jami I was a little freaked out, that was hilarious. Josie that ia the funniest picture I love that the kids are totally passed out on the ground no blankets or anyhting way to go toby.
This is SO funny and so typical. Hope you enjoyed some down time.
It always seems to turn out that way. You ask for a break from the craziness, hoping to get some sympathy while they struggle and it's a piece of cake for them! I don't know how they do it. It seems like one in every ten times I leave the kids with Adam they are bad, the rest of the time they are angels! What's up?
sports center puts me to sleep too! all ryan has to do for me to cuddle up on the couch and go to sleep is turn on some basketball or golf and it's lights out!
Cam would be a way better mom than I am. he manages to clean the house way better than I do so much faster and the kids beg to be Dad because he is fun. he would do better than I would during church too-he can make trey sleep and bryson and brielle listen. It is a little depressing. it was fun to see you guys last week. Our late nights are fun. I hope all is going well. Make sure you email me-michelle@fitnessridge.com when you go private
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