Despite the fact that we should have been mowing our lawn, weeding, cleaning out the garage, and working on the other 28 projects we have going around the house...we skipped out and went to Seven Peaks! Layers Clothing was having a fun little fashion show there today and since I sell for them we got free tickets. Gosh we had fun. Where there's sun there's fun. Okay that was cheesey but seriously this spring has not been spring and it was great to have one full day of enjoying the water and some warmth. After we went to my Mom and Dad's and played in our own little "mini" Seven Peaks. Elle and Brooklyn had a blast splashing around and eating popsicles. Even Cash got in on that action. Anyway it was one happy day...and by the way Layers has some extremely cute swimsuits and shirts this summer. Just came out. Check it out at layersclothing.com. (How do you like that plug?)
The quotes from Elle kill me! They are my favorite. Thanks for writing them down for us to see. Get working on your passport Josie - I just sent mine in to get renewed. We need to go to Mexico!
I didn't realize you went to Seven Peaks - that sounds SO fun. I haven't been for years but I know my girls would love it.
Can't wait to get the new Layers clothing! Talk to you soon!
Cute pics...Seven peaks? Its been probably 10 years since I made an appearance there! Funny! Looks like fun I bet Elle had a great time!
I love the Quotes by Elle too. They're awesome. She is adorable. Cash is handsome. He looks like a G Funk in those pictures. I like it.
Yeah! I have been looking for a cute new suit-I may need your help. Looks like you had fun!
Hey Jos! Can I tell you how stinkin' excited I am to see you in July??? I feel like it has been forever, and I must talk with lil' Miss Elle :) She says the cutest things.
Looks like you had a good time in the front yard. Is that Joel or Jordan in that picture?? I can NOT believe how grown up your little siblings are. The Downs family is sure a good lookin' family :)
Looks like you had tons of fun! Morgan loves the water this year! If I ever have this baby and dare to put on a swimsuit we should take them swimming!
Looks like fun Josie! I'm not brave enough to go with my crazy boys. I will definitely check out the Layers stuff, so thanks for the plug!
I love Layers! I didn't know you sold it. Looks like you had a fun weekend!
I cant believe how cute Cash is with his hat on sideways!! Seven Peaks looks so fun with kids, Im hoping I can get there with Brooklynn this summer! Maybe we will see you there:)
Fun! I live in the sun and we only went to the pool for the first time last week! I'm jealous! We need a Seven Peaks or Raging Waters here in Vegas. Forget The Strip!! :)
Hey it looks like you guys had such a fun day! I agree with you we could definately use more sun light! Hey Callie just started blogging her blog sight is craigcallie.blogspot.com and her e-mail is fruitcallusbreath@juno.com if you want to send her an invite.
How fun! You do have your own little water park at your house. I guess since kids can't go anywhere else you almost have to. Your kids are so adorable and smart. I love the comments from Elle. She must make you laugh all the time.
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