For the last 6 months Cash has been talking about and planning his 4 year old birthday party. He's watched Elle have "friend" parties and wanted one so badly too... how do you say no. I've implemented an every-other-year rule so that makes it a little easier. At least in my mind:) So he chose the theme "superheros" and we went with it. My friend and I decided that when you start stressing during planning a party, that's when you've gone too far. So I tried really hard to stay behind that imaginary line. I opted to make each guest their own cape and mask i leui of favor bags. The kids decorated the masks, had "target practice" with a marshmallow gun, played "vaporize the villian" with silly string, "leaped buildings in a single bound", searched for "kryptonite" (glowsticks) in the bat cave, and took pics showing off their incredible muscles. Cash LOVED helping me cut, paint, glue, and plan everything. He got the traditional breakfeast in bed and balloons on his ceilings. He was so cute as he was eating his breakfast, he said "I love this day so much...you get breakfast in bed, balloons, my guests will bring me presents..." I'd say that sounds like a pretty good day to me. I LOVE this little guy more than I could ever describe. He is just so darn likeable. Tells me ALL day how much he loves me and how he's going to be with me forever. This family can't get enough of him. Happy Birthday Cashy boy!
Such a fun party! LOVE all the ideas. Too bad I don't have a little boy to steal all the cute ideas. Happy Birthday Cash!!!
Oh LOVE the capes!The birthday party looked amazing!! Cash sounds like a completely lovable little guy-- he and Collin actually sound very similar and could probably be best little buds. Dang this living forever away!
Looks so good Josie! I love a good superhero party :)
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