Our leprachaun Steve made his annual visit again this year and the kids couldn't have been happier. Elle is so cute leaving her notes for Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and now our Leprachaun Steve. It cracked me up that she asked for 6 real gold pieces and then offered him anything he wanted in return. I'm sad to report she had to settle for 6 chocolate gold pieces instead. We enjoyed our green shamrock pancakes,(don't laugh:) green milk, and green smoothie...that I've finally mastered so the kids love it now. They went on a treasure hunt around the house and found their Pot O' Gold out in the garage...I'd say the day was a success without too much pinching going on:) Happy St. Patricks Day!!!!
I turned on the tv and a certain cartoon came on.
C: Mom! I used to watch this show when I was just a kid.
I was on a girls night out with my friends when I accidently called toby. He was upstairs yelling "Josie" into his phone trying to get my attention. Elle came upstairs and said, "Dad she's not here!" He said, "oh I know elle she accidently called me so I was just trying to get her to hear me." Elle says, "Oh...she bummed dialed ya, huh?"
What??!!!! How does she know this??
Elle ran out of toilet paper so started calling to Cash to get her some. After 3 attempts and him saying he's just too tired she yells to me. I told her to ask Cash. "He's too tired!" She yells. Right then Cash says to me, "mom will you play with me?" She hears this and says, "oh never mind mom, I stand corrected, he's not too tired." -
After "losing" Cash for a minute at the gym daycare:
E: Mom when I found him my heart took the biggest deep breath and my brain was like so happy. I just wanted to hug him!
E: Mom I have to tell you something about myself that's different that I think you're going to be really happy about. I like lettuce now. And green beans.
E: Mom I'm so happy for you. You've worked so hard today.
J: How do you know?
E: Well you made dinner and now you're making me these flowers for my room.
J: What about making breakfast and lunch, and the 3 loads of laundry, the dishes, cleaning yours and Cash's rooms, vaccuuming the whole house, the bathrooms, cleaning the basement, and organizing your closets...Did you know I did all that too?
E: No, but now that you mention it I did see vaccuum lines in my room.
After Elle did something funny that reminded me of Toby
J: Elle I swear you and your Dad are the same person
E: No we're not mom. My face is a circle and Dad's is an oval!
After getting off the phone frustrated because Elle was talking to me at the same time
J: Elle! Can I talk to two people at the same time? I only have one mouth!!!
E: No. But you do have two ears so you can listen to me and them and then just answer me when you're off.
J: (nothing...I had nothing.)
After asking Toby for something and he said no Elle came to me. When I said Daddy already said no she said, "I know but you're in charge of Daddy."
We were driving around on some errands
E: Mom where are we?
J: Murray
E: Oh. That's too bad.
J: What's too bad?
E: This seems like a fun place. It's too bad they named it Murray.
Cash and I (Josie) had been taking turns giving each other colds off and on for about a week. Elle finally got this bright idea and said, "Mom! I know what you need to do! You and Cash keep cuddling and giving each other colds back and forth back and forth. You just need to find someone not in this family and cuddle with them. Oh and it would be best if it was someone you didn't like."
After Elle got in a little trouble and was in time out she got off the chair and said, "Mom do you forgive me?" I said, "Of course I do." She said, "Good. Cause if you didn't you'd be holding a grunge."
E: Mom are you proud of me for being so nice to Cash?
J: Yep...I'm really proud.
E: So are you thinking of something really nice you can do for me?
J: Elle Mommy has to get this done...can you please help me with Cash and talk to him for a minute.
E: Sure mom. I'll try and find the energy to.
Elle was laying flat upon the top part of our couch and I kept telling her she was going to fall off. After the 3rd time I told her...she fell off. I had a hard time being sympathetic but I put my arms around her and asked her why she didn't listen to me.
E: I didn't hear you. (Sobbing)
J: Yes you did. I said it right to you.
E: Well next time you might need to use a microphone!
E: Mom I know who the 1st people on earth were...Adam and Eve. And they ate the bad fruit cause the bad man told them too.
J: That's right Elle...but they only made that bad choice once and then they decided to follow Heavenly Father from now on. E: Well how did he know they chose the wrong?
J: He's always watching us so He knows when we choose the right or wrong.
E: So what does he do just watch us with a telescope?
E: Mom I don't want to turn 8. I don't mind turning 7 but not 8.
J: Well I don't want you turn 8 anytime soon either elle, but why not?
E: Because when I turn 8 I get baptized and I don't have a good pair of goggles right now.
J: Elle be nice to your cute baby brother!
E: Well actually ...I don't think he looks that cute with his new haircut.
E: Cash! That's not how you do it. Allow me to demonstrate.
I had Elle and Cash in the bathtub together and Cash kind of slipped a little so out of curiousity I asked Elle if she'd know what to do if Cash slipped under the water.
E: Sure I'd just save him
J: Really? And how would you do that?
E: I'd just put some goggles on him.
(i think she's ready to babysit now)
This morning I told Elle we had a lot to do cause it was her day for dance and preschool.
E: How did you know I had those 2 things today?
J: I'm your mom and I know everything.
E: Well I'm a girl and girls know everything too.
(Yep. They sure do.)
E: Dad you're my very best friend. And I have A LOT of friends!
As we pulled in to St. George Elle started talking about how excited she was to see her friends Bryson, Brielle and Trey. Then she said, "Dad why don't bryson and brielle want to live in Riverton? Hope and Caleb do. Everyone lives in Riverton!
We were picking up some food at Arby's and Elle kept saying she wanted a cheeseburger. Toby kept telling her they don't have cheeseburgers here...just roast beef. After telling her this over and over I whispered to Toby, "she'll be fine, she doesn't even know what roast beef is." Elle heard me and said, "I do to know mom. Roast beef is chicken!"
I was painting Elle's toenails when she said, "Wow mom! This smells good." I smiled and kept on painting. A minute later she said, "Mom- this is smelling really really good." - NO more nail painting for Elle for a while :)
Cash walked up to Elle and put his arms around her for a hug. She gave him one back and said, "Awww... thanks Cash. I can feel your love for me."
I promised Elle a surprise if she was really good at preschool and didn't get the "Red Chair." I found her a little fairy book full of sparkles and cute pictures. When she opened it she said, "Wow thanks mom! I've wanted this book since I was just a little girl."
Elle and I were watching one of her cartoons and it was talking about recycling and keeping our world clean. So when it was over I said, "So what do you think we can do to keep our world clean?" Elle says, "Not throw up on it." Good thinking Elle
Funniest conversation between Toby and Elle. Elle had gotten out a game and had the pieces everywhere all over her room.
T: Oh no Elle...mom's going to mad when she sees this!
E: Mad at you?
T: Why would she be mad at me? I didn't do it.
E: Can we tell her Cash did it?
T: We can't tell her Cash did it if you did it.
E: Well Did you see me do it?
After a disagreement between Elle and Cash over her sharing her toys with him I said, "Now Elle...Do you think that's choosing the right? No reply. But a few seconds later she yelled, "Mom Cash's isn't choosing the right...Cause he's buggin me.
One particular day when I felt like Elle had about talked my head off I finally looked at her and said, "Elle! please stop talking for one minute." She looked at me and said, "Why Mom? I like to talk. That's what humans do. They talk.
As the boy passing the sacrament put it in front of Elle she looked up at him and said, "Oh, No Thanks." Loud I might add. 11/08
As we were driving in the car the radio had an advertisment that was asking for a Big Cash Giveaway this holiday season. It continued on saying please donate Cash and give away as much Cash as you can.
E: Mom! I don't want to give Cash away.
J: (laughing to myself) you don't want to give him away?
E: NO!
J: Then what should we do?
E: I know! Let's brake the radio so it will never say that again!
I've been attempting to teach Elle that all she has to do is ask me ONE time for whatever it is she needs and I'll do my best to get it for her right away. None of this asking 15 times. This morning I asked her what she wanted for breakfast. As I was reaching in the cabinet I realized I hadn't been paying attention to her answer so I asked her again.
E: "Mom, how many times do you need to ask me what I want?"
J: "Just one Elle." (with a smile on my face)
E: "Okay and how many times did you ask me?"
J: "Two times."
E: "So are you sorry?"
Elle really wanted to smell one of my candles that was high up on the wall in a sconce. I told her not right now it was too high. She kept insisting she needed to smell it. After the third "no" i finally said okay. After she was done smelling it she said, "Thanks Mom. That was refreshing."
Elle had gotten all of her toys out of her toy box looking for something and they were scattered everywhere.
J: Elle it's time to pick up all your toys and put them away
E: That's okay mom. That might make me tired.
J: Guess what? Mommy's been picking up the entire day and it makes me tired too but I still do it. So please pick them up.
E: Ugh! Mom...sometimes you just don't understand me!
Toby and Elle were downstairs together when Toby decided to go upstairs and change into his church clothes. When he came back down Elle must have thought it was quite the change because she exclaimed, "Wow. Dad you look a fricken adorable!"
Elle was laying on my bed and Cash's blanket was apparently too close for her comfort. She chucked it across the room.
J: Elle why did you just do that?
E: Cause it was in my grill
E: Mom who's Cash going to marry?
J: He doesn't know yet.
E: It's okay Cash. I'll marry you.
Cash was squeezing Elle's arm and she couldn't stop giggling. Finally she said, "Cash! Stop trying to get milk out of me!"
Toby took Elle on the giant Farris Wheel that's inclosed and swings as you go around at California Adventure.
J: Elle did you go on that giant Farris Wheel with Daddy?!
E: No mom. They're called swinging gondolas.
(my bad...how in the world did she know that?)
We bought Elle a little Minnie Mouse doll at Disneyland that comes with changes of clothes and accessories. As she was going through all the little tiny brushes and mirrors she came across a little cell phone. She said, "Wow mom! I didn't know mouses had cell phones."
J: Did you have a bad dream last night Elle?
E: No
J: Did you have a good dream?
E: No. Medium big girls don't know how to get good dreams out of their heads.
T: Elle do you like horses?
E: Ya I do like horses. But they stink.
Elle's going to be going to preschool at a friends house in our neighborhood. As we were going on a walk past it I said, "Elle that's where you're going to be going to preschool in a couple of months." She said, "No it's not." I said, "Yes it is." She said, "No it's not Mom. Schools don't have garages." She has a point. 07/08
J: Elle go grab me a tissue so I can help you blow your nose.
E: Oh no thanks mom. I'll just blow it back in.
Every Wednesday a couple of my friends and our kids have a standing swim date at another friends pool in our ward. For some reason we couldn't get Elle to get in this time. She was all lotioned up and had her floaties on but she would not do more than dangle her feet in. After 45 minutes and one last attempt at coaxing her in she exclaimed, " I don't want to mess my hair up!" Wow.
After an extremely short prayer offered by Elle
J: We need to practice saying a little bit of a longer prayer huh Elle?
E: I can't say a long prayer Mom... See look how little my legs are!
J: Hey Elle... do you want to go swimming today?
E: Oh no thanks Mom. I need to go to Target today.
We were passing the temple by Day Break that's undergoing construction.
J: What Elle?
E: The temple is still yellow and now I can't get married tomorrow!
T: Elle are you picking your nose?!
E: NO! I'm just getting the bugs out.
Toby teasing Elle
T: Cash is so happy your his big brother!
E: I'm not a boy dad! I'm a girl...see look...I have eyebrows!"
We were watching Dancing with the Stars and Elle was playing in the background and then suddenly looked up and stared at the show for a minute. As serious as could be she exclaimed,
"Hey! Those are my dance moves!"
Elle and Tob swimming together
T: Aren't you just a little fish?
E: I'm not a fish dad! I'm a princess. (very concerned)
Tob and I were driving through Spanish Fork Canyon today and the conversation went something like this:
T: Elle we're going to have so much fun driving right through those mountains!
E: No Dad, we have to go under them.
T: Nope we're going to go right through them.
Elle's bottom lip starts quivering and big tears start running down her face.
T: Elle what's wrong?
E: I want to go home.
T: Why? We're going to have fun today.
E: No! We're going to crash!
We woke up to snow last Sunday morning. On the way to Church as we passed all the houses covered in snow Elle yelled, "Oh no! All the houses are ruined!"
Toby was singing "You are my Sunshine" to Elle but when he got to the first 'sunshine' Elle exclaimed, "No Dad! I'm your moon."
(Yelling into me while I'm in the bathroom)
E: Mom are you going to the bathroom?
J: Yes Elle
E: On the big toilet?
J: Yes Elle
E: Oh Mom...I'm so proud of you!
E: Dad I'm not a baby anymore. I growed up.
J: Elle did you seriously just do that?!
E: Oh come on mom! It was an accident! ( she'd never said that before)
J: (silent)
E: It wasn't your fault mom
J: (still silent)
E: You've got to talk to me (followed by the cutest mischievious smile)
After a little disagreement with a friend..
J: Elle are you okay?
E: Look at my face mom...there's no smile on it.
She was all bundled up in her snow clothes so tight that she looked like a little pink marshmellow and couldn't move...then she fell over.
J: Elle are you alright?
E: Ya I think so
J: Need help up?
E: Oh...no. I can handle this.
After leaving Grandma's house when she really put up a fight to stay...
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