Just wanted to give a shout out to Toby on his birthday and tell him what an incredible husband and father he is. He is absolutely the best! I've said this many times before but I'll say it again...he 100% puts me before anything he wants or needs. I am his first priority and everyone who knows him knows that. I am so thankful for that! I remember when we were dating someone told me, "if you end up marrying him, you'll be a princess for life." She was so right. And Elle absolutely adores him. She's definitly her daddy's girl. She never laughs so hard as when daddy's around and playing with her. If she's scared at night she just wants her dad to "save her" and "eat the monsters". We love you Toby and hope you have a great great Birthday!!!! Love, Josie and Elle ( and your little boy who should be coming any day now...please hurry!:)
Happy Birthday Toby! I am home waiting for Cam to get home from Bishopric meetings so we can watch prison break :) I hope you had a great day. i am sure Josie spoiled you. I know how big of a deal birthdays are in her family as in Cam's (which is good). We are excited to see you guys (especially the new baby) over thanksgiving. Josie, will you be induced if you don't have him by this monday. Man it has gone by fast! Love, Michelle
Happy Birthday Toby! Hope you had a great day! Love, the Hodges
Happy Birthday Toby!
I am so happy to hear that my friend has such a great husband. It really is great to know that you are taken care of and so happy! You deserve it all!!
Happy Birthday TOBY!
Happy b-day Toby! and what an awesome present to have a little boy! can't wait to see pics.
Happy B-day Toby. How old are you now, 29/30? Anyway, I hope you had a good one. Josie, when are you due, or when were you due? Congrats on the boy, they are a blast. By the way if the pics I've seen on your blog are you pregnant, wow, you look good. I weighed 200lbs when I gave birth to my son. Yes, 200, needless to say we will not be having another baby for a while, I'm enjoying seeing my feet way too much. Anyway, count your many blessings, if you aren't that big. :)Good luck with the delivery.
This post made me so happy! Yea Chosie that you have such an amazing man. I was delighted to find your blog and so thrilled to see your beautiful Elle that I met at only a few months old. She is as beautiful as expected, as is her mother. Glad to see all is wonderful for such a wonderful family.
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