So even though Halloween has come and gone I thought I at least better get one post on here about our night...for journaling purposes if nothing else:) Elle hadn't been feeling well for a day or two before Halloween and we ended up taking her in to the doctors at about 4:00 Halloween night. Turns out she had an ear infection and an eye infection. Needless to say we didn't take her trick or treating that night...so sad. She woke up the next morning telling me she's going to be a pig for halloween and asking me when we're going trick or treating.(Like she hadn't even realized it was over.) I would have just taken her to friends and neighbors the next day or something but I had a pretty bad sinus infection and on top of being 9 months pregnant that can make you pretty miserable. This is the cutest little sleeping pig I have ever seen! Pretty sick on Halloween night. And the other one is just a really cute picture of her and Dad playing in the leaves:) I sure love those two.
Bless her Heart, It is awful when your kids are sick.. Hope you are botyh feeling better. You can bring her to my house to trick-or-treat anytime.
Spelling error. I meant to say both. Sorry!!!
Poor little Elle. Bryson was in the same boat that night. He had a fever. It was fun having toby here. We sure missed you and Elle. As soon as Toby drove up, Trey ran to look for Elle. We had a couple fun sleepovers with prison break, the laptop, some chili's chips and dip (thanks toby), and cookies. It was kind of funny with us on the floor watching the lap top. Toby showed us how to get it free from fox.com whoo hoo! We are anxious to hear when baby Cash comes. I may be prego. I am two days late but haven't taken a test yet-I'll let you know.
Poor thing...that goes for both of you! I didn't ever make it to 9 months of pregnancy since Stock was born at 32 weeks, but I can imagine it isn't really that fun! Good luck and make sure to post a picture of your cute knew baby as soon as he gets here!
This is such an easy fix! Hope and Hallee would be soooooo excited for Elle to come trick or treating to our house AND I just happen to have a huge bowl of treats left that I would be more than happy to get rid of! She can ring the doorbell all night long and we will just keep giving her candy. Sounds like a win-win situation for all!
so sad elle was sick on halloween! at least she didn't end up with a ton of candy! maybe she can still go trick or treating at your parents or something! she'll have something fun to look forward to next year! miss you guys.
She definitely is a cute sleeping pig. Hope you are all feeling better. We miss you guys and hope all is well.
Jos...Poor Lil Elle. She is going to be the best older sister to this new little boy. I hope you are both feeling better!
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