Grandpa and Cash...so sweet

I walked upstairs to find Elle had tucked herself in bed for a nap along with her bears and dolls. My dream come true.

Mike and Jen Sumko, Tob and I, Chad and Lindy Barney, John and Jen Burbidge at Brandon Heaney's Wedding

This is Elle looking at me like, "what mom? I didn't know I wasn't supposed to take your old mascara out of the garbage and apply it all over my face and your towels!" Right.

that snow is crazy!! We are still doing pool class outside. So did Elle really go to sleep? Trey is driving us crazy and I would love to lock him in his room but he keeps making himself throw up. All three of them have been sick since saturday. I am glad you made it to the wedding-were you able to go to the ceremony?
Gotta love seeing your kids play with your dad! I think that is one of my favorite things to watch! Your kids are darling.
That was fun to see a pic of Chad and Lyndee...they are friends of mine from Dixie before Chad played at BYU! Chad's sister was my roommate both years!
Oh Josie...I can not tell you how big of a grin I just got on my face from seeing that picture of your dad. WOW! I sure do miss that smile. Seriously, your dad is such an incredible man! He was always great to visit with, and really genuinely cared about all of us (your friends). His smile is one in a million, and it really brought back some fond memories with your family ;) Thanks!!
Cute PICS! Love that Elle is putting herself into bed for naps...CUTE!See you tomorrow?
These are some cute pictures. I hope Cash starts to feel better. I will call you about tomorrow, but I am planning on coming with you. Talk to you later.
Those are such cute pictures. Elle is such a doll for tucking herself in. What more could you ask for? We seriously need to get together. I will call you!!!
I would love to take some pics but we are going to vegas thurs night cause cam's b-day is friday. Sorry. And i am not looking to earn money from it-I am still just wanting to learn so the more practice the better! I got the new camera to take pics of friends and family and to just get pics of my kids.
I love all the pictures! Elle in bed by herself....YEHAW! Gotta love it. See - all your hard work is paying off!
Oh my gosh, your kids are just precious. I love when they tuck themselves in. And the mascara picture is awsome! Don't worry, the putting on makeup, it only gets worse! My daughter takes my makeup and hides it for herself! Your little guy is so sweet, I wish I could love on him! I miss having a baby around here.
Elle and Cash are such little cuties. After Toby gets back to you with the car you guys will have to pack it up and head back down here to hit up the beach.
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