I too just wanted to express a few feelings about our sweet Prophet. Like so many others he will be the prophet that I will remember the most growing up and through my teenage years on to my first years as a wife and a mother. I am so thankful that he was the prophet at this time...he led the Church so perfectly and helped me in so many ways. I'll never forget the one time I got to go and listen to him speak at the conference center. With so many people all gathered there it was noisy and loud until all of a sudden he walked in the room. The entire place went silent and stood out of the upmost respect for him. It was without a doubt one of the times I felt the spirit the strongest in my life. I knew right then that he surely was a prophet of God. I remember listening to his interviews with Mike Wallace and others. What an inspired man he was to answer the questions so perfectly. He was completley endearing and such a faithful servant of our Father. His sense of humor was one in a million. One of my favorite quotes of his is, "You can be wise and happy or stupid and miserable." I am forever greatful for all of his service and am so pleased that he is back with his loving wife who he missed so dearly. He will certainly be missed but not forgotten. I love you President Hinckley!
I love that quote as well! Maybe that's our next craft night project - vinyl boards with that quote?
Well Said. He was a wonderful man. I love him and I will miss him very much, however, I too am glad that he gets to see his wonderful bride again and I know that we will get to see him again as well.
Nice post, I loved the last conference when he bopped one of the 70 on the head with his cane. He has a rare ability to relate to everyone despite is higher level intelligence and spirituality.
Josie that was such a sweet tribute to president Hinckley you are such a great writer.
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