Just a quick shout out to my sweet friend Shea..Happy Birthday! That was fun and we need to do that more often. Now that you're part time and Errin quit her job and Lindsay has the easiest job ever...just kidding linds that was a joke...anyway we should be able to do it more. More food, more friends, more everything!
I think Toby's job might be easier than my HA! More food? YIKES not for me right now still recovering from Christmas & now Super Bowl!~ DIET STARTS MONDAY! HA!
Josie that was fun to get together, we really do have a good time. I know that we keep saying we will get together but now that mostly everyone is home we seriously need to act on it. Hope all is well talk to you soon.
Ok, you girls are all so beautiful and fashionable! I could really have been looking in a magazine. Babes of wives and Mothers! You go! This picture just makes me happy.
Josie, I love that you have a blog because i really love trying to keep up on my lost friend who I just love so much. Again, beautiful children, of course. SO glad that you seem so happy. Keep a postin.
I want to come over soon, so let me know when works for you. Lunch maybe?
I don't know how you are so skinny already. What is your secret? You have the cutest family. I was sorry to hear the Cash was sick. It looks like he has recovered well. That is so scary. I heard that Elle is taking dance classes. I bet that is so much fun to watch. I would have a hard time not laughing. Little kids are the funniest. They just have no worries and do things just because they are fun. How we forget that as we get older.
Maybe everyone should book a girls trip to LV since no one is working but Linds & I these days....Hint, hint... It's getting warmer here and there's always great shopping, dining, me.... COME VISIT SOON!
I love looking at your blog and seeing your cute family. I remember seeing you right before you had your little girl and you were so nervous. Now you have two! You are beautiful and it looks like you are loving motherhood!
Josie: Your family is absolutely adorable! It was great to get together with all of you girls. I really do have fun, even though I graduated high school while you guys were still in Junior High - ha ha! We need to do it more often. I don't think us "moms" get out enough.
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