So you know how I'm always telling my friends I'm going to cut my hair and then I never do? Well maybe you know that and maybe you don't but for about the past 7 years I've been threatening to cut my hair...like anybody cares but me and maybe toby...but that's not the point. I'm too scared to do it myself so I imposed my desire on my beautiful daughter who doesn't have a ton of say with what hairstyle she wears. We've put up with the mullet that she rocked for long enough so i took her to that little salon Cookie Cutters and she was just too cute there. She got to pick what little car she sat in while they cut it and she got to watch a movie to keep her occupied which was extremely convenient. We didn't go way short...just a shoulder length a-line, but I think she's the most adorable thing ever!
p.s. I put kind of because I've trimmed her hair before so if I was being honest with myself and everyone else this wasn't her first cut...just her first official cut:)
Love the A line! I wish I had enough guts to do it myself! And I completely agree that it's hard to change your hair from long to anything short because we know how long it took us to get it this way!!!
Cute Hair! So fun to see you guys last night. You missed the Stadium of fire like firework show Brandon put on...They may have to answer to the HOA after that! I love Elle's hair so Cute!
I love it! I can't wait to see it in person!
I must be out of it but I've never heard of that haircutting place for kids. I'm like you, my hair is kind of my security blanket. I think about cutting it short then get scared!
(Please pass this to Toby) Toby! This is the former ELDER Ryan Sanders! So, the long story is...my wife loves blogs-spends time everyday looking at all of her friend's blogs, even browsing through one's she doesn't know - she was sitting on the couch next to me watching the Orange Bowl, and was looking at someone's and I looked over and saw your name on the border - so I had her look to see if it was you - Made my day to see you with a beautiful wife, such a beautiful little girl and miraculous newborn boy. Anyway-I am glad to see that you all are doing so well. Made my day to see you in the Blog. Best Faro! wishes - email or call sometime to catch up. Feliz navidad (tarde) y Dia de los Reyes Magos (casi)!
Ryan Sanders
(801) 368-8964
I thought it was sweet of Toby to try to do something nice for you, I think husband's really just try so hard to figure us out. I was so emotional after I had Brigham, I cried about everything, and my baby didn't have surgery, I can;t even imagine. Anyway, I was just happy I could do something for you, and Brig had outgrown it, so if it made your day at all a little brighter than it was so worth it. Hey, Lydia's birthday is coming up (Jan 24), are you up for a trip? :)
So cute! I hope things have settled a little. I got a new camera and a real black back drop for christmas so we don't have the risk of killing a new born with a heavy book holding the blanket. Did we miss toby down here or has he not come?
elle is so cute and it was fun to see you the other night. thanks for driving down - we'll have to get together sometime earlier in the day so the kids can play more without getting too tired!
I can't believe you had to go back to the hospital! Luke's brother Dustin who played at BYU with them had a lot of scares with there little one in the beginning. He was in the hospital for days having test after test! It takes a toll especially on mom! I hope you are doing ok! When Tate had his surgery as a baby emotionally it was harder than I could have ever anticipated! Being a mom is hard! You are really a trooper!
HI Guys! Since we joined the masses we have reconnected with so many people! Your kids are so cute and we love the name Cash, that was what Elizabeth was going to be named had she been a boy. Good taste! We hope all is well with you and hope to see you soon! We'll be keeping up since we added you to our blog!
Ha ha ha..do you remember when Shea cut your hair??? Oh my gosh, you were so upset...I had a good little chuckle about that memory after reading this blog!
I am so glad to hear that Cash is ok. You have a beautiful family Josie...(a.k.a CHOSIE)
That little boy looks just like his Daddy. Holy cow, what a cutie. Congratulations!
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