Last week was a very long and trying week for Toby and I. On Monday we noticed something just wasn't right with Cash. He had been extra fussy that night. By the next night he was so lathargic that even when we wiggled him around he wouldn't really wake up. We called the doctor and they told us to take his temperature. When we took his little diaper off we saw a good size bulge coming through his skin...we of course took him straight to Primary Children's. The next 6 days were kind of a whirlwind and if I gave all the details this would be more of a book then a blog. Basically he ended up having a strangulated hernia that was causing damage to his intestines, so it required surgery. We about died when we heard our little 3 week old would be having surgery. The worst part was that they didn't let me feed him for a day and a half before the surgery and for almost 3 days after. He was so so hungry and there was absolutely nothing I could do for him. It broke my heart. The surgery went well..it was on Wednesday, but they kept us till Saturday night to make sure his intestine was healing and working properly. We didn't get hardly any sleep and were more than exhausted by the time we were sent home...but none of that matters cause our little boy is doing well now and we're home all together. Elle was so cute coming up to visit us in the hospital. When she saw the tube coming out of his nose she said, "oh dear mom, he doesn't feel berry good." So cute. I want to tell our family and all of our friends how grateful we were for all the phone calls, visits, and concern.Our parents were so wonderful and watched Elle for us for those 5 nights and 6 days. (she was so spoiled she thought she was on vacation.) We couldn't believe how many people called and offered any help they could and it was appreciated so much. Lindsay brought us dinner, jessica brought us groceries and helped out so much with questions we had... and tara and jami...you guys are amazing. My house was cleaned from top to bottom when we walked in Saturday night. That couldn't have been an easy job but I love you guys for it and hope I can be more like you someday. We had one setback yesterday and had to go back into Primary Children's but we're home again now and everything seems to be okay. Best Christmas present we could have is being home together as a family!
I am so glad that Cash is doing better, It broke my heart when I heard about him. He was in a lot of people's thoughts and prayers. I can't imagine what it was like for you to see your child in the hospital with tubes everywhere, I am so sorry you had to go through that. We love you and are glad that all is well. Have a Merry Christmas and give little Cash a big KISS!!!
Oh my gosh! I almost started crying when I saw the picture of Cash before I even read the story behind it. I'm so glad he is okay and I can't even imagine the emotional rollercoaster you have been through this week. Austin had surgery at 5 weeks old at Primary childrens for pyloric stenosis and same thing, they wouldn't let me feed him before or after for days. He would cry and cry because he was hungry and we couldn't do anything. One of the hard things was being sent to the milking room and pumping and storing the milk for your baby along with all the other sick baby's moms and not being able to nurse. I feel for you and we will be thinking about you guys.
Josie...I am so glad to hear that your sweet little boy is doing well. My heart sunk when I saw the tubes because it reminded me of an all too familiar time with my sweet boy just a few months back...So thankful he is good and you get to be home with him to enjoy the holidays!!
Hi Josie. I peeked in on your blog from Marianne's. Hope you don't mind. I'm so glad your little Cash is home from the hospital and doing better. What a great Christmas gift. Hope all will continue to be well for you and your darling family.
I hope you and Toby are recovering from a long week...So glad to hear lil Cash is doing better. Elle is so funny and so perceptive, "He doesn't feel berry good" you are in our thoughts.
Those little pictures are so sad. Cash had quite a week! Actually, you ALL had quite a week. I am so glad you are all home and doing well.
It was great to finally see you last night. I'm so sorry you have had to go through all of this. Let me know if you need anything. I would love to watch Elle for you, or help you with anything you need.
We are so sorry to hear about your little one! Tate had surgery at Primary's when he was a baby and they were so gracious and good to us, I hope your experience was a good one considering the circumstance. We wish you a great holiday and pray for your babe that he may have a full recovery. Hang in there, it really makes you a stronger parent in the long run!
Josie - so glad to hear that cash is ok and that you are all home together. you must have pretty awesome friends and family to get all that help...and groceries...and a clean house. we'll be thinking about you and hope you have a wonderful christmas together.
I am so glad to hear that Cash is doing better. It isn't fun to have your little ones in situations like that! What a blessing to live so close to such a great hospital that can take care of your children.
Jos! I had no idea that all of this was going on! I'm so glad that he's doing good. I couldn't believe what I was reading! Please keep us updated on how Cash & your little family are doing. I hope you have a great Christmas & know that I'm thinking of you!!! XOXO Lenzi
So..so..sooooo glad to hear that Cash is doing well. I just can not imagine how that whole situation played out with your emotions. Just the thought of not being able to feed Isaac, or seeing him with all those tubes would be so hard. You are very lucky to be so close to family, friends, and the childrens hospital. I am glad that you were taken care of and lifted up during such a heart breaking experience. He is so adorable!
Merry Christmas!
oh Josie, we have been praying for your little family. I keep thinking about how I would die if I couldn't nurse my hungry baby. We hope you have a Merry Christmas, we miss you guys and will continue to pray for our little nephew. Those pictures of him break my heart, but I finally saw what he looks like awake and he is a good looking kid.
This post made me cry. I just can't imagine having to see my baby in the hospital. I'm so glad everything is okay now. Hope you guys had a great Christmas!
How scary! Glad things are getting better and hope you were still able to have a merry Christmas.
I can't believe how quickly something terrible like this can happen and how fortunate we are for every day we have with healthy babies. I am so relieved for you that your little Cash is recovering and that you were able to get him to the hospital for care. That must've been so hard, especially to feel like you couldn't help him with his hunger (not to mention the hassel on your body) I know you are probably still having sleepless nights and lots of work. Keep it up jos! What a blessing for your little ones to have you. So grateful to hear he is well and that you were helped by such good friends and family. We're all in this together.
Hey Josie, I am glad to hear everything turned out good. It is amazing what something like that can do and change in a moment what really is important. I love the Fitness Ridge hat on the snowman. I hope you guys had a gerat christmas! We just got back from a really great weekend in California. We had a nice and relaxing christmas.
Josie! What a story that was! I hope little Cash has recovered and is doing much better....boy, this kinda stuff makes me so grateful for modern medicine!
I am glad to hear it is all well. This totally blew my mind. I had no idea. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. You are in our thoughts and prayers. The kiddos are so so cute. Can't wait to be able to see you guys more.
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