I was worried Elle was going to have a really difficult time going from having 100% of my attention to having limited attention...quite the opposite. She loves her little brother so much and is constantly asking to hold baby "tash" and giving him lots of hugs and kisses. We took him to his two week appointment the other day and when the nurse had to prick his foot for his PKU test she freaked out again and begged me to take him back cause "the doctor is being so mean to him!" She's so cute.
I love his hair! Elle looks so grown up holding Cash. You really have the cutest kids! I'll call you tomorrow, so we can hang out.
I don't think I ever asked or heard how much he weighed?? I can't believe he is two weeks, how are you doing? You look great, and Cash just looks perfect. I got to start feeding Brigham cream or something, because he still is so little.
Congrats!! WHat a little darling! I want to squeeze the little buddy!
Yeah! More pictuers of Cash!
How are YOU doing? Is it hard with two? Sometimes I am so overwhelmed with one, I wonder how it is going to be possible for two!
I am so glad that Elle is adjusting well with Cash...I love his hair! You really have two adorable kids Jos!
I seriously cannot believe how much hair he has! He's a doll! I'm glad that Elle is so excited to have him here. I wish I could just drive over & see him without the 6 hr trip!! :)
so sweet! Elle is such a darling big sister! Can't wait to meet Cash!
He is adorable. Elle is so cute and I am so glad that she is enjoying baby Cash. Two is not as hard as we thought it would be, Right? Kids are so fun, lets get together soon.
It's amazing how naturally they take on the role of big brother/big sister and are so protective!
Seriously so cute you guys. I hope we get to see you soon at the Christmas party. Glad to hear all is well.
Holy crap, your kids are seriously so cute! How are you feeling? I honestly can't imagine life with 2.You seem to be doing just fine though. Hope all is well, good work on having adorable baby's!
He is so sweet I need to get over and see him now that I am over my lingering cold. See ya soon!
O.K. You might have the cutest kids in the world. How are you guys. We need to get together. We want to add
you to our blog. What is your sight. Dave and shelby
Look at all of that hair! My first baby had a beautiful head of hair, even sideburns, but my second was a baldy, for a long time. Luke loves bald babies, but I love the hair it reminds of porcelain doll babies.
Look at all of that hair! My first baby had a beautiful head of hair, even sideburns, but my second was a baldy, for a long time. Luke loves bald babies, but I love the hair it reminds of porcelain doll babies.
Keep us posted - we are praying for little Cashman every day.
We love you guys!
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