Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter 2010

Thanks to both families and the Easter Bunny Easter was a success again this year. We enjoyed the evening Saturday with the Christensens and the kids LOVED their Easter gifts from Grandma and Grandpa! Sunday morning we woke up to the kids dying to run down stairs and find their hidden easter baskets...a tradition that is not going anywhere because its just too fun to play hot and cold with those two. They were absolutely thrilled with their quaint Easter baskets...which is why the dollar store is perfect for now (that is until they get a little older and start filling jipped:) Sunday afternoon we went over to my parents for a WONDERFUL Easter dinner and an exciting Easter Egg Hunt for all 4 kids. With Easter falling on General Conference weekend we didn't have to worry about the "easter dress and outfits" quite as much but still had to take pictures of the kids the sunday before and after. It's tradition...and everyone knows how I feel about tradition:) Also had to throw in a pic or two of the Easter chicks in Preston. We had a fun weekend staying with Aunt Connie and it gave me lots of time to work on my quilt. Elle just couldn't get enough of these little chicks. My Uncle Ed even told her she could bring one home. Thanks Uncle Ed:)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Projects, Projects, Projects...

Help! I'm addicted!!! Thanks to my amazingly talented mother in law I have become addicted to sewing..and more sewing. I can't stop coming up with new projects to keep my sewing machine busy. Am I good at it? No..but I can do just enough to get the job done:) I made these pillows for Elle's bed (all but the blue one), this skirt for Elle, this quilt top for Elle, and about fifty headbands for...Elle! I can't stop! One of my goals this year was to make a quilt and I'm so excited about it! There is no rhyme or reason to it, but I can't wait to finish it. And I did just finish these picture boards for my mom's birthday which fits under the catergory of a project...just no sewing required. Is anyone else addicted to fabric the way I am? I can't help but buy an 1/8th of yard whenever one jumps out at me! I'm in Love.