Friday, March 8, 2013

Cousin time!!!

The Christensens came!!!! We felt so lucky to have them come down for a weekend to stay with us. Watching our kids play together really does my heart good. Especially Cash and Ayson. Those two would be the best of buddies if only we could live closer. Sigh. Maybe someday. They would be little partners in crime. We enjoyed taking them to Scheels and walking around, riding the ferris wheel, playing the sports games, and bowling. Only negative of that night is poor Janie got a stomach bug. We missed having her there but luckily that was a one night thing and she was back and at em the next day. Loved this picture we caught of all the kids on the bed. Priceless. Todd Kath and Teren were able to join all of us at church and then Janie and I made a dinner and we were able to have a nice sit down meal together. We really loved having everyone together in our home. NEEDS to happen MORE!

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