Sunday, November 30, 2014

Cash and Toby's Birthday

This year we combined Toby and Cash's birthdays with both the Christensen's and the Down's. It was Todd's one year since his this year we really wanted to focus on celebrating Todd's life. We all met up at the Blue Lemon for lunch and then headed out to the grave for some family time. We shared memories and thoughts and feelings, we sang together and then headed up to Kathy's. Kathy gave Toby one of the most beautiful thoughtful gifts I've ever seen. It was a picture of Christ with a sweet little baby representing Kemp. On the bottom were the words, "I've already got it covered." Some words that have some really deep meaning to Toby and I. So sweet of her. That night Toby and i were able to get away for about an hour to run to dinner at Red Robin. Probably wasn't the funnest birthday for Toby but we had some good moments that day. - That friday night my dad reserved the Institute again for all of us to have a party together for both of them. I surprised Tob and invited Tory and Janie and their little family which was so fun. We are SOOOO glad they've moved here. It's been wonderful having them around. The kids had a blast riding bikes, scooters, playing ping-pong, and basketball. I love our families. I love celebrating occasions like this with them. Sunday was Cash's birthday and Elle was such a doll waking up extra early to make sure he had his breakfast in bed. We had some family over that even to have cake and ice cream with us and open PRESENTS!!! Happy birthday to my BOYS!!!

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