Sunday, August 11, 2019

Back to School Dates, Blessings, and First Day of School Pics

This is such a hard time for me! I truly don't like when the kids have to go back to school. I just love having them home and the little boys love it too. It's such a fun time making memories. And when they start a new school year it breaks my heart because that just means that they are one year older. It was especially hard for me this year because Tate was entering the first grade. Ugh. That one felt like a sucker punch to the stomach. It's been the longest time that it's just been me home with the two little boys. Even when Tate had preschool or Kindergarten it was only for a couple of hours and Tate and Kemp had it opposite times so I always had one of them home. The thought of Tate being gone all day long is just awful...for Kemp too. He's going to be so dang sad and not even know what to do with himself. - I felt lucky to be able to take each of these incredible kids on our own special dates. Elle and I went up to Station Park shopping for school clothes and stuff and to Blue Lemon dinner. Cash and I went to Tj Maxx and Ross and he chose Cubby's for Lunch. Tate and I went to Bricks and Mini Figs and Target and then to Costa Vida for Dinner. Spending time with each of them individually is such a blessing and I was really grateful for it. - I was also very grateful for a husband that holds the Priesthood and could give each of my kids a blessing at the beginning of their new school year. I couldn't even stand how cute Kempy looked when he said he wanted a turn and got in the chair. Never want to forget that! Praying it will each be a great year for each of them!

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