Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The 24th of July!!!

My Grandma Wimmer shares a birthday with Utah so it gives us an extra excuse to celebrate! We all met at the farm to honor my Grandma and we had a wonderful time visiting, eating, playing in the dirt and pool...which explains why Elle looked like this as we pulled away. (Both the dirt and the tears) Elle and Cash LOVE it and there are always lots of tears as we try to leave. That night we went to the Simmons family reunion and had a great time seeing more family. I was so excited to be able to attend the Collin Raye concert at the Scera Park where the reunion was being held because I LOVE him! I've always loved his music and it was so fun to see him live. We just threw out a blanket on the grass and let the kids dance the night away. All the people around us were too busy laughing at Elle and Cash to watch Colling Raye:) I love days like this!


Brandt & Kriste said...

How fun! I love days like that as well. You have such a cute family!!

Kunz Clan said...

Priceless...I remember being a kid at the farm and not wanting to leave either. How blessed we are to still have the chance to go there and reminisce. Uncle Doug has done great things. Collin Raye...awesome!

The Bee Family said...

For fun! I'm so bummed I missed Grandmas Party this year it's always a blast to hang out at the farm and see everyone! And I just have to mention I'm totally jealous of the Collin Raye concert :)