Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our Little Dancing Queen

When I got asked if Elle could go to a three day "mini drill team" camp it was hard to say no. Besides wanting to support our friend...I knew that Elle would eat this up...and I was right. All the girls practiced for 3 nights and then performed during a highschool football game. We couldn't have smiled bigger watching her out on that field. She was all smiles and loved every second of it. There were lots of waves and blowing kisses and when the night was over and I was tucking her in bed I tried to take her slicked back ponytail out and she said, "no MOM! I want to leave it in so I can remember this night forever." So do I Elle, so do I. Oh and Cash got to get up close and personal with the Riverton Silver Wolf. This picture cracks me up because even though he's smiling I can tell his heart was beating a million beats a minute. I love my kids.


Amberlee said...

Ha! I love the picture of Cash with the wolf-- priceless! You have such adorable kids! Hope you're doing well!!!miss you.

Travis & Leslie Doman said...

so cute! Our kids at this age could'nt be any cuter...wish they would stop growing up!