Friday, January 31, 2014

First Piano Recitals

I'm really grateful for Toby's persistence in wanting to sign the kids up for piano lessons. I was reluctant because I thought I could teach them myself but honestly it just never worked. We'd forget or I'd lose my patience with them or we'd lose track of where we were. It just wasn't working. So we found a guy in our stake named Dale Jesse and his is AMAZING with the kids. He helped them compose their own songs for the first recital and they named them themselves. Elle's was titled, "SNOWFALL" and Cash's was "SERIOUS PIANO."  I could NOT have been MORE proud. They were both nervous but they both did so great. They had only been taking for a few months and they sounded amazing to me. And they never complain about practicing or going to piano at all. They love it. And of course Tate had to get in on the action. I really hope they keep this up. Love them. 

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