Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Elle's 7th Grade Orientation

I DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW THIS HAPPENED. How is my little girl going to be in 7th grade?! It's so crazy cause she just seems  so young but at the same time she seems SO ready. She's ready for the challenge of new classes and teachers, different subjects, and being able to explore her love for the arts and music. She's anxious to meet new friends and hang out in the lunchroom, and have 7 different periods a day. It just all seems too surreal to me. I'm excited for her but scared to death. Middle School isn't exactly a walk in the park. I just don't know if I've prepared her enough and if she knows how much her mother loves and adores her? I have so much faith in what an incredible girl she is and what she can do. I just need to be a better listeners, encourager, and supporter and I plan to work on that all I can. She's just the greatest. Excited for what lays ahead for this beautiful girl!

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