Saturday, February 29, 2020

Corona Del Mar

We definitely wanted to spend the next day at the beach and last time we had so much fun at Corona Del Mar we wanted to try it again. Even though Tate thought it was a bad idea because..."you know...the coronavirus." He's so hilarious. I also wanted the kids to experience some tide pools and Little Corona has them so I thought it was the perfect beach to go. It was such a blast! Granted it was colder than I would have preferred but eventually the sun came out more and it was beautiful. We made hot tubs in the sand, Elle played her ukulele, we buried the boys, and spent some fun time exploring the tide pools. We found some pretty cool things in there including the cutest little hermit crabs. I just don't get enough beach in my life. None of us do so I'm really hoping we get to come back here soon so we can get more of it with more SUNSHINE!

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