Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"A Pirates Life for Me!"

Cash was planning his 3 year old birthday party back in May when Elle had her birthday. He was bent on having a pirate party so a pirate party it was.(at the last minute he started asking for friends but seeing on how i wasn't planning on that I was greatful for our families coming to make it so special for him) It came with all the fixings: walking the plank, a treasure hunt, pin the flag on x, pirates rum(ibc rootbeer), digging for treasure, and lots of fun costumes. Together we had a blast turning our house into Christensens Cove. It wouldn't have been complete without the music "Yo ho Yo ho a pirates life for me" playing over and over since that is basically Cash's theme song...and of course lots and lots of candles. This little boy lights up our whole world. He is so much sweeter than I ever thought a 3 year old boy could be. I'll never get enough of all of his spontaneous "I just love you Mom..more than the whole wide world,"s or just simply out of no where..."I want you." He's still so thin and can't keep his pants up the majority of the time. He waits by the window around noon every day that Elle goes to school and constantly is telling me she's his best friend. Cash loves Buzz lightyear, Spiderman, D Will, Lebron James, his Jordans nike shoes, and sneaking in bed with us in the middle of the night. I can't cook a meal without him running into the kitchen asking me "how can I help you mom?" The other day he helped by cracking an egg in the wrong bowl. When I said "Cash!" he replied..."My bad mom." That was a first:) I am taken with his light blond hair and jet black eyes. He melts my heart on a daily basis and I love him. Happy Birthday little boy!


Springs Hollow Relief Society Presidency said...

Josie, you are such a great mom! I love what you did for the party! Is so fun having little boys! Hope you guys are doing well!

Jami said...

Holy Toleto! What a party! Seriously have to do it again in a few years. Happy Birthday Cash!!