Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Memorial day is always a very special day to me. I so appreciate the opportunity I have to drive up to my grandparents graves and reflect on their lives and my memories of them. It's been great to share it with my family as we drive up together and drop off flowers and sit and talk about them. I miss them so much. I think about them daily. They helped shape who I am. There wasn't one special occassion in my life where they weren't there. I love seeing my kids help put the flowers down, and I'm so glad that they know how important they are to me...and that they have gotten to know them through all my stories. We were able to go to my Grandma Doris and Grandpa Leo's along with my Aunt Rene and Uncle Basils at the Willard Cemetary. My greatgrandma who I was named after is also there. Then we went to my Grandpa Jacks grave. After we drove to Rainbow gardens and had a wonderful lunch together. Then out to the Ogden Cemetary where my Grandpa Wimmer is and my other greatgrandparents. After we were able to visit my Grandma Wimmer...I love her so much. She's my last living grandparent and it's so hard for me to see her in the state she is in. I want so badly for her to be comfortable and pain free. Yep...Memorial Day is and always will be a very special day for me.

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