Thursday, June 20, 2019

TREK 2019

TREK. So much to say it's going to be hard to type it all! We were so excited to have the opportunity to go...especially because Elle was going. I knew it was going to be so much work and kind of panicked as it got closer but I knew it was something I didn't want to miss out on. We did have to get special permission to leave a little bit early the last day since we were driving to California for Todd's California Hall of Fame Induction. But it all worked out so we were still able to go. - It was just as we thought... SO MUCH WORK. We were on the food commitee so we were basically peeping meals for a couple hundred people all day long. And it was super cold so lots of chopping, washing dishes, and preparing food while freezing. We set up an entire makeshift kitchen twice and day and then took it down. But as everyone knows many hands make light work. The people that we worked with were absolutely INCREDIBLE. It made me feel like a lightweight. So many people that were so willing to do the hard stuff and do it with the best attitude. I learned so much from their examples. The Carney's were the head of the food committee and they were some of the best. Toby and mine's tent broke down the first night so for the other 2 nights we combined our broken tent with Kat and Ryans and had sleepovers with them. That was a blast! hahah.   Two particular things I want to remember from trek. One was the women pull. Always such a spiritual experience. I got to be one of the "angels" that came down to help the women with getting their carts up the long hilly trail. IT WAS SO HARD. But was one of the best feelings I've ever had and the best part was Elle's family was one of the last on the trail and I got to go back and back again until I got to her family and when I got to her cart and started pushing I couldn't help the tears from coming. So many analogies to life. I'm so grateful for the real angels in my life as well as the angels down on earth that have helped and served me and my family throughout our lives. I was so proud of Elle. I didn't hear her complain ONE time while she was on trek. Not on the women's pull, not when it poured rain and was freezing cold not EVER. The other thing I don't want to forget is testimony meeting. I was in the back with Toby when I heard President McKay say "yes Elle?" I thought he had to be mistaken but he wasn't! Elle had raised her hand and stood to share her testimony in front of ALL of those PEOPLE and she talked about the Women's Pull and what they meant to her as well to have me there. I couldn't keep the tears back from that either. It was worth every discomfort to be there for that one moment. It was full of fun times there as well. Laughing with the other committee members, the Stevens, Shoffs, and Ashby's were there, fun dancing, playing games, and sneaking into Matt Holgates truck to stay warm and eat yummy snacks. Good memories for sure. - Also a funny but crazy sidetone. Somehow we got stuck with bringing a kid him with his mother that couldn't stop throwing up. I'll spare the details here but it was one of the WORST HOUR LONG DRIVES OF OUR LIVES. Just awful. We laugh about it now but at the time it was just the worst. - Overall Trek was absolutely wonderful. SO grateful to rub shoulders with so many amazing people and so grateful to watch my daughter grow and be so incredible for 4 days. 

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