Sunday, November 15, 2020

Cash's Birthday and a Quick St. George Getaway

 Well Elle tested positive with covid so we had the idea to just jump in the car and go quarantine in our condo! I was so glad that Toby was on board and thought it was a good idea too. He had already not felt too well and both little boys had had fevers but only for a couple of hours and then they were fine. Elle text from school that she wasn't feeling too great so I went and picked her up. When Cash got home that day he also said he didn't feel too I figured it was our turn! Ryan Stevens had been over on Halloween and he got it a day or two later so we figured it would go around the fam. It was really no big deal though. No one was really sick longer than a day. We tested Elle first and she was positive so that was when we took off to St. George. Cash's birthday was two days later so we thought it would be fun to mix it up and celebrate down there since there really wasn't anything we could do here. We packed their bags without telling them and then surprised them an hour before. We had such a good time down there! We watched lots of movies, did homework, played tennis, played basketball, and even got to swim when no one else was in the pool. Even though Elle and Cash would have been quarantined from school the school district shut down anyway and went to only online school so all the kids had their laptops and just worked from there. Top and I decided to take Cash and the three of us test for Covid. We did and let me tell you the swab up the nose test hurt like HECK! It burned so bad! I hated every second but since it was only for like 8 seconds I survived. So Toby and Cash's tests came back positive but mine was negative. What in the world. I felt like I had symptoms. I was achey, my head ached, I was so tired but...negative. Weird. On Cash's birthday we had breakfast in bed, played ball, swam, and got whatever meal he wanted for lunch and dinner! We watched a movie or two and had cake and ice cream and tried to make it as special as we could. So grateful for these little get aways and the fun times we have together. 

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