Friday, May 28, 2010

Graduation from Shining Star Preschool

She did it! Cap and gown and all (minus the gown:) We are so proud of our little Shining Star. She had a little part in the program by closing it with a poem and did fantastic. Her and her little friend Hope were standing on the back row on the end and through all their songs both were just dancing away while the other children held quite still. I LOVED it! Elle loved Mrs. Johnson and tells Cash all the time that if he's lucky he may, one day, get to go to Shining Star Preschool too. Here's to Kindergarten...and my tears.

1 comment:

Jami said...

Seriously. It seems like just a month ago we were starting Shining Star preschool! Let's just hope you and I can get our act together a little better with Kindergarten than we did with preschool.