Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

Christmas Eve is my very favorite day of the year...by far!!!(althoughChristmas day comes in a close second.) There's no two other days like them. We did a lot of driving back and forth from families but we're just so grateful to HAVE family close and to spend Christmas with. My Mom was so cute and had planned to do a little service project that night to teach the kids about the true meaning of Christmas. She turned them into little Elves and delivered an anonomous Christmas package to a family. My kids were ENAMORED with the idea and i loved it. Then we had a wonderful lesson from my dad where we all shared our thoughts with each other followed by the traditional nativity with the kids. We opened a couple of "first gifts of Christmas" followed by the kids matching pajamas, but the very best part was coming back to our own house and having our own little Christmas Eve. The kids made frosty the snoman cookies earlier just for Santa...and made sure that I had bought plenty of carrots for the reindeer. We got our note written and a cup of hot chocolate all ready and it was up to bed. We all sleep together that night but Elle and Cash had so much energy and it is tradition at my house...so we let them watch The Polar Express for the 1,345th time this year. Although this time they wanted it in 3D. So funny. -

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