Monday, July 2, 2012

It's a BOY!

HE'S HERE!!! Our little miracle is here:) We waited so long for this little baby and he has brought every little bit of joy that we though he would. He came two weeks early and arrived on June 9,2012, so he shares a birthday with his uncle Jordan. Friday night we were at the movies as a family watching Avengers when the contractions started. I began to time then and they were coming about 10 to 15 minutes apart. They went on for about 4 to 5 hours but after we had been home they kind of stopped. I was awoken a few times in the night with them but again...not consistent enough. By the morning they were coming again still a wa:)ys apart, but what was really bothering me was that I couldn't feel the baby anymore. Really scared me, so I called my doctor and she told me to meet her at the hospital. It didn't take long for them to find the heartbeat, which put me at ease quickly. They wanted to monitor me for about an hour and during that time the pain that had been in my back and legs along with the contractions became worse and worse. They checked to see if I had dialed and although it wasnt much, I had and they decided to keep me. Yeah! I continued on with my contractions for ahwile until I couldn't take it and got the beloved epidural:) It took me from 10:00 to about 6:00 at night to go from a 2 to a 4. The baby was posterior and that's what was making it take so long and what was causing the intense back and leg pain. As soon as the baby turned I went from a 4 to having him in 1 hour!!! Crazy!. My heart was so full when the doctor told me it was a healthy little boy!! He had a little bit of a hard time breathing on his own for the first little bit so they had to take him away to the nursery, but once he was okay they brought him back, placed him in my arms, and here I am 3 weeks later I don't think he's left my arms since:)The first time I laid eyes on him I felt like I was holding Cash all over again. They look identical although Cash may have been a little bit bigger. I can't get enough of this little boy. He's been an absolute angel. We named him Tate Louis Christensen, and it fits him perfectly. He's got a darling head full of black hair and he weighed 6lb 2oz and is 19 inches long. One of my favorite things ever was watching Elle and Cash meet him for the first time. They are totally in love. We all are. Welcome to our Family Tate...we already can't imagine life without you!!!

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