Friday, April 19, 2013


This baby is something special. What an addition he has been to this family! He pretty much can get anything he wants from any of us. He smiles and laughs ALL DAY. Unless I walk out of the room. Then his whole world pretty much falls apart. Which I think is ridiculously cute. He is army crawling everywhere and can get from point a to point b in no time at all. He's starting to pull up on anything he can and one of his favorite pastimes is getting on his knees pulling out every single drawer in my jewelry armoire and emptying all of my jewelry. From the time he was about 6 months old he makes a distinct whispering sound whenever we walk past the picture of Jesus in his room. He stares at it...smiles...and makes the cutest little sound. I KNOW he recognizes him and knows who he is. He's starting to wave hi and whenever I saw "want to patty-cake?" he grabs my hands to hold on to his because he can't do it himself. His little hair sticks staight up all the time and is so fuzzy and he's happiest when he's upside down. He lays his little head on my shoulder when I say give me loves and he opens his mouth whenever he's ready for a kiss. He's a great little sleeper if I'm the one who puts him down to sleep. At his 9 month appointment he weighed 15.14 lbs so he's just a little guy...but so was Cash. Unfortunately he has to have surgery next month for a hernia but it's not as serious as Cash's so I'm handling this one much better. Still scares me though. Other than that he's actually been super healthy which I'm so grateful for. Tate smiles with his eyes. And he giggles and squeals whenever Dad is wrestling with his brother and sister. He's too cute for words. These pictures say it all.

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