Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2013

My favorite two days of the year. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. However this year was going to be different without Todd. We were happy but there was a big hole and our hearts hurt and missed his huge presence. Kathy came up with the fun plan of meeting at Kneaders in Lehi for Breakfast Christmas Eve morning and then heading over to Thanksgiving Point for a movie. They hadn't seen FROZEN yet so we decided on that. We had some time to kill in between so we drove around Thanksgiving point and saw the Nativity they had set up and as soon as we can across some animals, mostly little ponies, we were done for and the kids wanted to spend the rest of the time petting them. The movie was Amazing although I didn't get to see most of it because let's be honest what little one year old sits through an entire movie. Especially Tate. After the movie we went back to Kathy's for a delicious meal and spent some wonderful time with them. Then on to my parents. We had already had our lesson the Sunday before but we still had some spiritual time and my mom gave the kids their annual Christmas PJ's that they love so much. I tried so hard to keep the kids awake on the car ride home because it means so much to me that we have some time as a family on Christmas Eve at our own house. But it was hard since they had such a crazy fun-filled day. But I succeeded and we were still able to leave milk and cookies out, throw Reindeer food out on the lawn, check the Santa-Tracker and watch a bit of the Polar Express.

Christmas morning was perfect. Kids waking up early, wanting to run down stairs but having to wait for Mom and Dad. Tate could even feel the excitement. I love watching the kids line up and run downstairs. We were all blessed with an amazing Christmas. A teepee, American Girl doll food stand, Darth Vadar, blocks, Legos, sports stuff, clothes, a microphone, Hot wheels maker, Raider gear, snowballs, books, etc etc etc. Toby favorite and best gift of all was this figure of him and his Dad in their BYU uniforms. Honestly it's incredible. Such a beautiful piece and it means the world to Tob.

Kathy Teren and Teej came over around noon and I had a really fun Brunch planned and we just ate and watched movies and played with the toys. Then that evening we went over to my families and opened more gifts and ate and just enjoyed Christmas. The end of the night we put on a movie I had Josh make of pictures of Todd throughout Tobys life and it was so touching but kind of heart wrenching and of course we all ended up in tears. Oh how we miss him.  Christmas is the perfect time to reflect on our Savior and his love and his plan for us. We need to reflect all year, ever day,  but Christmas time just gives me that added feeling of complete amazement of all that our Savior does for us. Our Heavenly Father has a plan for Todd. And for us. And although our will didn't necessarily line up with his we accept his will and know that he knows what is best for us. He sees the big picture. And we have put our trust in him and will continue to throughout our lives. How grateful I am for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for the Peace it brings into our lives. I Love Christmas.

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