Some of my friends have expressed to me that they are fond of when their children go off track. Honestly that is so sad to me. I look forward with so much anticipation to the weeks they are out of school. To me it's a time that I can actually focus on doing fun things with them, take them to fun places, and do more playing and just being a family together. I'm not saying it's always easy or that I don't sometimes feel pressure to make sure that they are being entertained etc… but Elle and Cash don't fight and they are both BIG helps with Tate and Kemp so for me it's totally a win win. Even on the days we just stay home it's so much better to have them there. I remember when I was on bed rest with Kemp, and then in the hospital, and then for the next 9 months past that whenever the kids went off track I had so much guilt that I couldn't take them out anywhere. It was SO hard to not do those fun things that I look forward to doing with them. It was so depressing to me and I hurt for them. Now looking back it doesn't feel like it was as long as it felt but in the moments and days it felt like it lasted forever. I don't want to not take advantage of that again. All that being said, this last time they were off we played played played. We went to Boondocks with the Ashbys, we went to St. George and stayed with the Kelsch's, we went to the Curiosity Museum, and to Classic Skating, and also we went to the institute with my family, and then had lots of movie nights and snuggles in-between. I'm crazy about these kids. They make me feel like the luckiest Mom in the world.
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