Monday, March 20, 2017

Tater Bottoms

I love Tater Bottoms. He is amazing. He had got to be the funniest little 4 year old that ever existed. The things he says just crack me up. The other day we were all eating at the table. Tate asked if he could have a bite of my tortilla, so I ripped off a piece and fed it to him. He totally bit me. I yelled out because hurt. I looked at my finger a couple of time and just said "ow" under my breath once or twice. About ten seconds went by and Tate lowered his head and said "I guess I'm not very good at eating." (in his cutest little lisp voice.) Toby and I just busted out laughing. I hadn't laughed like that in a while. It totally caught me off guard. I assured him he was great at eating. What a funny kid. His best little friend is Stella Moysh and he LOVED playing soccer this year. I love him.

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