Friday, December 7, 2018

Christmas "Eve" early at Kathy's, The Riverbottoms, and Elle's Christmas Concert

We did Christmas Eve with the Christensen's a bit early this year because Tory and Janie are flying to Arizona to be with her family for Christmas. It was a great night with yummy food, exchanging a few gifts, and doing a little nativity with the kids. - Then on to one of the best nights of this year. This year my whole fam wanted to experience the fun of the Riverbottoms so they all tagged along! We went and saw Santa, sat on his lap, went to Birkenstaffs to check out all of the cool toys, walked around and saw the lights, and then headed to Magglebys where we had the entire place to ourselves. Also, Toby arm wrestled one of the worked and lost, killing his arm in the process. The kid really liked Toby's jacket so he just took it off and gave it to him. What a funny guy. The workers said they'd never had so much fun at work and that they'd never forget that night my family was all there. It was a fun night. - It was also neat to go to Elle's school and watch her perform her Christmas numbers in her choir concert. The little boys were so proud of her. Toby and Cash couldn't be there because of a baseball game. Kemp got his leg twisted weird in one of the auditorium chairs during the concert. That was stressful. But a nice guy saw me struggling and helped me get it out. - The last pictures are of Tara and me and our trip to Station Park. Such a fun tradition we started it. It was extra special because of some struggles we've been having in the neighborhood with a certain neighbor and we just needed a break from all of the drama so it was nice to get away and spend some time together. 

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