Saturday, May 4, 2019

New York City!!!! Day ONE

This was an absolute DREAM TRIP of mine. One I've thought about taking for years and years. I dreamed of taking my two oldest kids to the city I fell in love with when I first went with Toby. I really felt like these were the perfect ages for them to come with us. Old enough to appreciate it (i hope) and to keep up with us. So much walking!!! When I first went there I felt like I was in a movie. All these sites and things I had only seen on tv and in books and movies. It was so incredible to me and I couldn't wait to share it all with Elle and Cash. - Day one we just hit the ground running! I had so much planned for our first day there. First of all our hotel location was unreal. Pretty much 3 blocks from Time Square and 5 blocks from Central park. Something like that. So first thing we did was head to Time Square to show them the city. That place is crazy! Neon signs everywhere, billboards, stores, tourists, cabs, street vendors, everything you can think of. We took them inside M&M world and it was just awesome!!! Next we walked to my favorite place. Central Park. I just couldn't love that place more. It's so beautiful. The weather was perfect and we just walked all around it. We ended up by the Central Park Zoo and although it was pretty expensive we couldn't pass it up because Toby and I hadn't been there either so we paid for the tickets and went in. I'M SO GLAD WE DID! It was the highlight of the park! The animals were all unreal. Pandas, Penguins, Bears, some of the coolest animals we've seen and all right there in the middle of the park. It was awesome. We walked around the bridges, went to the Bethesda Fountain, and walked down the mall. We then decided to go on a walk and eat at our favorite SERENDIPITY. We got some delicious nachos and the best frozen hot chocolate known to mankind. The kids LOVED it. We had walked so much at that point we decided to get an uber. And we went back to the hotel. We changed clothes and then took another walk to Central Park and walked some bridges and then got the Museum of Natural History. We were so bummed it was closed!!! So instead we decided to take another Uber and go to the west side of the island to the Hudson yards and go see the honeycomb. It was the coolest building!!! We took lots of pictures and had so much fun walking around seeing everything. Then from there we walked home for the night and watched a movie in the hotel. It was such a fun first day in NYC!!!

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