Friday, July 5, 2019

Oakley Rodeo and Weekend in Park City!

The day after the 4th we headed up to Park City to spend the night in a fun hotel and go to the Oakley Rodeo the next day. The Stevens and Ashby's came up with us and we had so much fun eating out, swimming at the hotel, shopping, and then going to the Rodeo that night. Bless Elle's heart she hated every moment of the Rodeo and hid behind a blanket the whole time. She loves animals so much. The next morning we went and got food at a fun restaurant in Heber city and then went through the Canyon to go on a hike up Bridal Veil Falls. We are sure grateful for good friends like these to do things with. It was a really fun 2 days being together. Lots and lots of laughing.

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