Monday, November 18, 2019

Kemp's Notes to Mom

I had to take a picture of these "notes" Kemp made for me. I was working on my computer and he was sitting at the desk next to me. I heard him keep getting frustrated and he kept asking for one more strip of paper. I kept cutting him more and then I'd go back to what I was doing. Finally there were tears and he said he couldn't do it. I gave him a hug and told him I knew he could and I cut him a few more. After a minute he said "there! I did it!... Here mom...this is for you."  My heart melted. He said "Mom plus Kemp plus Tate equals Love." He may have gotten it out of order a bit but he hit the nail exactly on the head. Tate plus Kemp completely defines LOVE in my book. Thank you for my notes Sweetheart!!!!!! I'll treasure them always!

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