Friday, April 10, 2020

Tate’s Accident

During this quarantine we’ve felt the need to get outside as much as we can and as much is safe to get some fresh air and get some much needed exercise. So one of the things we do a lot of is go for walks around the lake. This particular day the little boys wanted to bring a scooter to share when they got tired. We also decided to try something different and go around the inside of the lake. During one part where were going across the bridge and getting to the bottom of it Tate was on the scooter and hit a little bump and fell off of it. It really wasn’t a hard fall and he barely even cried. There was just a little scrape on his finger and after a quick kiss he was fine. We continued on the walk laughing and talking the whole way. A little while after we got home he told me his finger hurt. I looked to see a little scrape and told him I’d get him a bandaid but he said he didn’t want one. Fast forward a couple of hours and Toby and I were in our room in the bed when he came walking in crying and saying his finger still hurt. I told him to come closer and I took a good look at it. I was shocked! It was twice it’s normal size and was pretty purple and blue. I showed Toby and he couldn’t believe it either. Tob wanted to wrap it himself but I felt like it needed ice first. When I went to touch it with the ice Tate just burst into tears and wouldn’t even let me come close. That’s when I knew I needed to take him to the Dr. - Toby still wasn’t sure. Didn’t think they’d do anything it was just jammed or sprained. We had fun plans to sleep out in the tent that night. It was Friday night and I was so worried that with it being the weekend we would have to take him to the instacare if it got worse, so I just told Tob I’d hurry him to Dr. Johnson’s just to be safe. So that’s what I did. They got us in quickly, it was so weird being anywhere since with Corona I’d barely left the house. The on call dr came right in and looked at it and right away said it needed an x-ray. That was pretty painful for Tate.  As we waited for the results I heard the doctor getting a second opinion and it sounded like they were in agreeance. It was broken. And it was a break that would require a plastic surgeon so they needed to send us up to Primary Children’s in Salt Lake. I was shocked! It was getting worse though and Tate was in a lot of pain. I called Toby to let him know the news and told him I’d run home quick to get some things I needed knowing I’d be at the hospital for a long time. Also we were fasting because the prophet had asked us too and I was starving. It was past the time to break the fast so Toby was so sweet and got us food, warm jackets, a phone cord etc and we were on our way. I of course wanted Toby to come but got a text from a friend that works at the hospital reminded me that because of Covid there could only be one parent with Tate. So just the two of us drove up there!
They were so sweet and kind to Tate. Primary’s is the best for little kids. They took such good care of him. There were a few kids in front of us so we just played little games and watched home videos on my phone. They decided they needed to give him anesthesia in order to set it. They used Ketamine so he wouldn’t have to be intubated but he honestly didn’t take to it very well. He was jerking all over the place. They kept giving him more to see if they calm his body down but his eyes were rolling back and he just kept shaking. It looked like he was having a seizure. I of course was crying and my heart was just hurting. There were like 6 or 7 people in the room and they decided they needed to try a different medication so they added phentenol to the mix. After a nurse sat and rubbed his tummy for awhile they got him calmed down  and were able to work on his hand. They still gave him a nerve block shot and then set it. They had the plastic surgeon come make sure it was set as well as it could be and then they wrapped it up. - He didn’t wake up as quickly as they thought he would and had me worried for a bit but after pushing on some tender places and he reacted to them it made me feel a lot better. He was such a champ. I was so proud of him. His little face is so perfect. They all thought he was so cute. He really is. I used the restroom for just a minute and when I came back they had him awake which made me wonder what they did when I was gone because he was so out of it when I left 60 seconds earlier. Haha. Anyway it was like 1:00 am when they discharged us. My Dad was so dang cute and didn’t want me to drive home alone in the dark so he and Jake drove up to the hospital and he had Jake drive me home and follow him so I could sit in the back with Tate. How special and thoughtful is that. So incredibly sweet. He’s doing great now! He’ll get a cast next week. So glad it wasn’t any worse and so grateful for good dr’s and nurses who take such good care of my little boys. What a crazy adventure for us during this quarantine! We sure LOVE you Tate!!!

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