Monday, November 25, 2013

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

How great are those pictures! Todd had to be smiling down on Cash with the HUGEST Grin. Cash has been to a Jazz game before...but this was his first time in a while...and his first time really "getting" it and being excited. Toby wanted to make it special so he text his friend Alema who commentates the games and told him we'd be there. Alema right away told Tob to bring him up at halftime. So that's what we did. And right when Alema and Thurl Bailey saw us they walked right over to Toby gave him a half hug over the gate, shook Cash's hand and told the security guys to let us right through. How cool is that? Cash was so dang cute! He got to sit right in between them and take pics and they were just so good to him. Love good guys like this. Pretty cool to see Cash in the same position as Todd and Toby have been. Guess the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.

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