Monday, September 15, 2014

My Second Week at IMC

So at this point ALL the Doctors and nurses were telling me I was here to stay till this baby came. This could mean till tomorrow or this could mean until week 37. Dr. Esplin was so glad, as was I, that I was there when this happened and in his opinion it would probably happen again. His opinion was three strikes and I'm out so one more time and he'd deliver the baby. It was so hard just not knowing what was going to happen day to day. I was starting to have less blood again, but in the meantime I was having more contractions. I was moved back and forth from my room to labor and delivery like 4 different times because of all of these issues. They decided to put me on a different drug than procardia that was stronger but they could only use it once but it lasted like 3 days. It seemed to work really well other than the side effect was that it caused my amniotic fluid level to drop like crazy. Actually one day the tech down at MFM testing couldn't even find any. This really concerned the doctors. So between watching my fluid level and the bleeding and contractions I was there to stay for awhile. I missed my family terribly. Toby was there a lot, but I only got to see the kids a couple of times. Tate was so difficult it was hard for anyone to bring him up to me. I saved him my chocolate milk when he came though. I remember my first time having the kids come visit I just cried. I'd never been away from them this long. Cash cried too, and actually Elle did a lot when it was time for her to go. She really wanted to spend the night one night with me but wasn't allowed to without another adult because I was too much of a risk for something to happen in the middle of the night... so one night we made plans for her to stay with me and Toby and it was wonderful having her there. Just love her. I remember Tate looked a little nervous seeing me in the hospital bed but he also reached out for me and just laid in my arms for along time. I love them so much. My family and friends were absolutely INCREDIBLE taking turns watching them. Everyone pitched in helped a ton. I had a lot of visitors this week too. Besides my family of course, Errin, Lindsay, Shea, and Nicole and Shauna and my cousin Jill came up. Jami, Tara and Lindsay came and decorated my room with the cutest little signs with positive sayings on them for me and flowers, the Bishop and Jen came up, and President Curtis and Amber came and brought Toby dinner and me ice cream. It was so so sweet. Kathy came up a lot to visit me also and always brought sweet gifts of food, ice cream, magazines, and other things to lift my spirits. Also Joni and Archie and Cole. One day a friend in my ward, Kristen, brought a huge bag just stuffed full of things she had gathered from ladies in the ward. I just sat there and cried. There was the most thoughtful note full of the reasons why certain items were in the bag and who they were from. There were things like lotion, dry shampoo, books, magazines, candy, money for gas, perfume, a teddy bear for Tate, Legos for Cash, Nail polish for Elle, Room spray, Scentsy stuff etc. etc. I can not believe my ward. They were already bringing meals in for my family while I was away and mowing our lawn etc. Toby was missing so much work trying to be there at home for the kids and coming back up to be by me as much as possible. - It was funny but because of my situation they took a way my "wheelchair privileges" so I was pretty much confined to my one little room but one day they let me out to go to the cafeteria with Toby. That was the highlight of my week:) We went on the cutest little date to the cafeteria for lunch and it felt so great to be outside. It was starting to get extremely hard being there and I was really homesick again. My amniotic fluid was coming back up and my crit score was high again because of the the two blood transfusions, and I was barely spotting by the end of the week. It was at this time that I really started to ask the dr's if I could go home again. All along I had been told no but the morning of Sept 2nd I met back up with Dr. Esplin and I told him the only issue I really had now was the contractions. He didn't seem too concerned about that but was more concerned with my other issues and felt like I still needed to be there most likely till I delivered. He did say he'd consider the following week thought if everything looked perfectly for that extended period of time and if we made a game plan on how to get me back to IMC within 15 or 20 minutes if anything happened. He said it was unlikely he'd let me go but let's give it another week and we'd go from there but his thought was I could even be there until week 37 or 38. I was barely over 31 at this point. How in the world would I be able to stay there that long?! I was pretty discouraged and spent a lot of time on the phone with Toby and my mom crying and crying. The medicine to stop the contractions made me feel so terrible and give me such a headache I wouldn't feel like doing anything, reading or watching tv was out of the question. Toby and I decided he needed to stay home with the kids that night to give them a little stability so he wasn't coming back up to the hospital. My mom had felt sorry for me since she knew I had been crying that morning and then in the afternoon when she kept trying me I finally text her and said if I heard her voice again I think i'd lose it which was the truth so she decided to send my dad up to see me. It was so good to see him and he seemed to calm me down quite a bit. A bit later Jordan showed up with his overnight bag and said he wanted to stay with me and watch movies that night so I would be alone. I was grateful and it turned into being a really good thing because this was the start of another of the hardest nights of my life.

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