Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Elles "A Christmas Carol!"

Ever since Elle was a little girl we've been taking her to "A Christmas Carol" as Hale Center Theater. Even if I couldn't go my Dad would make sure she went with him. Then when she was old enough he gave her the book Jacob Marley and she read that and fell in love with that story. It's always been a favorite of my Dad's and he's passed that love down for this story to Elle. So when her class decided to do "A Christmas Carol" for the class play Elle knew right away she wanted to audition for Scrooge. And it was no surprise to me when she got home from school and ran in the door to tell me what part she got. Ebenezer Scrooge! Man she was incredible! She memorized EVERY single line and spoke with such conviction! I could not have been so proud. And her Dad was so proud. And her Brothers were so proud. And BOTH of her Grandma's were there supporting her as well as her Uncle Jake. We were SO sad that my Dad was so sick and couldn't be there. But we got lots of video of her performance and lots of pictures. She's such a special little girl. And then just some random pictures of the boys at the end because I love em.

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