Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The River Bottoms, Maggleby's, and Girls Dinner

Well here we are at one of my favorite Christmas traditions of all. Honestly I guess I have a lot of those. But I LOVE going down to the Riverbottoms and seeing Santa down there. I also love taking the kids to Birkenstaff's toy store and they closed it down! They didn't have the hot chocolate stands either which was such a bummer. But that's okay because after a few pictures we all headed to Magglebys and that may be my favorite part. We take up the whole restaurant and the food is so dang good! I always get my halibut and it never disappoints. It's just fun all being together down there. 

The last picture is my Christmas Dinner with my HighSchool Girlfriends. I love these girls. We just went to Olive Garden and I didn't stay very long because it was also the night of our adult dinner at my Mom's but it was fun to be together for awhile.

I didn't get any pictures of my moms Adult Dinner! I'll see if I can find some and add them. It's always a favorite night as we finally get to visit and have fun just the adults. My mom is the most incredible cook and goes to so much work to have the place settings so beautiful and the food hot and ready. My dad gave us a good lesson after and it was a really peaceful fun night. Sure love that mom and dad of mine. They know how to do Christmas. 

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