Saturday, July 10, 2021

NYC Day 2

 Day 2 started back at the park. Can't get enough of that place. We walked around and took more pictures and made it a little bit further south. Then we headed toward Serendipity because it just opened due to covid but when we got their they were only allowing people in who had reservations. So we just walked and walked until we found the best little bagel place and we just sat down and enjoyed some delicious NYC bagels. That all took a pretty big chunk of the day so then we went back to the hotel for half time and to change. Then it was back out on the streets for more site seeing and shopping. We went towards Time Square and up to Madison Square Gardens which Toby hadn't gotten to see yet. That was pretty cool. We walked towards Grand Central Station and Rockefeller Center and all the shops that way. Empire State and Saint Patricks Cathedral. Gosh I love that city. That night we ate Falal Guys just like the night before. Toby and I absolutely loved that food truck. Another great day in the city. 

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