Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sleeping Under the Tree and Toby's Surgery

It just wouldn't be Christmas without sleeping under the tree! Of COURSE we can't do it Christmas Eve...that's where Santa comes. When we get a bigger house we can sleep under the upstairs tree. But until then we will sleep under the downstairs tree the night before Christmas EVE:) My parents came over that night and we drank yummy Frozen Hot Chocolate and watched Miracle on 34th Street. One of my all-time favs. It was a lovely night. I also have to document Toby's surgery. Last minute we decided this would be a good time to have both of knees scoped...end of the year, deductable met, time off etc. While I still think it was a good idea, it was a little difficult to be able to do some of the stuff I still wanted to do before Christmas and have a little help, but Tob was a trooper and right after surgery still went to the Riverwoods with us and Costco and really tried not to ask for too much help at all. In fact he tried very hard to still help me out and I am very grateful for that. I'm a lucky girl.

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