Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Elle's Reflections Contest!

Last year Elle participated in her reflections contest at school but did a very rush job and didn't place so Toby promised her he'd help her the next year to take more time and do a better job. Fast forward to now. Tob kept his promise and went and bought her lots of supplies, helped her with the idea, and sat by her and she constructed her masterpiece:) I think it was a little difficult for him because he really wanted her to take her time, get the lines straight, and do things a little bit nicer, but she had her own ideas and wanted things very much her way. She's a very creative little girl. It paid off! She won an honorable mention ribbon and some candy and she was thrilled to have her name read off and walk up on stage! Next year we're shooting to move on the next level. Love this girl.

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