Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"Why It's Christmas Day!"

I've already named this the BEST CHRISTMAS we've had so far. I don't know if it's cause the kids were older this year, or cause I was so excited about their gifts, but everything went just about perfect. The word I use the most in association with Christmas is Magical!!! This Christmas truly was! The kids got up early and could hardly wait to race downstairs. They of course had to wait at the top of the stairs for the family prayer and to go down youngest to oldest...yep Taters was first. Santa had definitly come because his snow prints went all down the steps and all the chocolate milk and carrots were gone. Cash ran right past his pile and straight to Elle's where she discovered her McKenna American girl doll and a bed made specially for her room and her two dolls. Cash not only got the basketball he had asked for but a double shot that I'm not sure who likes more..him or Toby. We had so much fun watching the kids get excited and open their gifts. Such a wonderful wonderful Christmas morning.

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